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Cases of urban ecological restoration Hefei Garden Project, Anhui Province

DATE:2024-02-27 10:10:17
1. Reshape the ecological function of the park. Carry out regional ecological resource assessment and site assessment to identify important ecological functions. Reshape the natural appearance of the site through terrain shaping, plant landscape creation, soil improvement, etc., retaining nearly 10,000 trees, so that the old airport, with a hardened area of 31%, can be transformed into an urban ecological function area with a ratio of more than 75% of blue and green space.
2. Create a sponge city park. Adopt permeable paving, grass-planting ditch, overflow rainwater pipe network and other means to create nearly 300,000 square meters of sunken green space, dredging and construction of water systems and wetlands of more than 1,000 acres, the use of rainwater recycling, sponge facilities purification, purification and absorption of aquatic plants and animals, replenishment replacement purification and other technologies, to achieve the self-balancing, self-circulation, self-purification of the water system in the region.
3. Maximize the retention and protection of existing buildings. Adopting the method of "mainly retaining, changing, demolishing and moving" to update buildings, insisting that the land boundaries remain unchanged, the street and alley layout and scale texture remain unchanged, and the combination pattern and characteristics of courtyards remain unchanged, the 160,000 square meters of old buildings at Luogang Airport will be transformed into an integrated garden town of "food, accommodation, transportation, shopping and entertainment". The old building complex of 160,000 square meters at Luogang Airport will be transformed into a "food, accommodation, transportation, tourism, shopping and entertainment" town.
4. "Planning, industry and operation" are promoted as a whole. Insisting on "industry first, operation first", introducing various green leisure industries such as sports, culture and creation, experience, tourism and shopping, science popularization, recreation and health care, etc., and synchronizing the construction of the project so as to realize "opening when the park opens".